St. George Church is committed to sharing the fullness of the Gospel and living the richness of the Syriac Maronite Tradition through worship, charity, and striving for personal and communal holiness.

Faith - Ever Ancient, Ever New
Saint George Maronite Church is a welcoming community offering traditional apostolic worship that speaks to the needs of modern man.
Saturday 4:00 pm | Sunday 8:30 am & 10:30 am
Tuesday - Friday 8:30 am | Feast Days 7:00 pm | Wednesday Vespers 7:00 pm
The Syriac-Maronite liturgy developed out of the ancient liturgies of Jerusalem, Antioch, and the Syriac speaking areas of Syria Secunda and Mesopotamia. Many of the prayers and chants of the liturgy can be traced back to 4th and 5th Century Church Fathers St. Ephrem the Syrian and St. Jacob of Serugh.
The liturgical language of the Maronite Church is Syriac, a dialect of Classical Aramaic that evolved from the very language of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Apostles and Disciples.